27 February 2008


the reason i chose the eagle as the picture to go along with my paragraph about my apartment is that it is so distinct. it's coloring is so perfect. it's one bird you can really spot really easily.it's wing span and the way it glides through the air is something to see. there is quite a large population of eagles in b.c. i think more or less they are a north american bird. i don't know if they are an endangered species but i think they are protected. i think the eagle feeds on small rodents. i haven't seen too many eagles in the wild. a lot of companies use the eagle as part of their logo. i don't know for sure but i think native people view the eagle as part of their spiritual beliefs. another reason i chose the eagle as part of my paragraph is that it looks so strong. i think the eagle is a sign of independence.

26 February 2008


Sick in bed no where to go but down. More time on my hands to read and do nothing but sleep. I can't sleep because I'm too sick nothing works I'm done with being sick. The best thing is for me to get over it .

25 February 2008


I am older then you think.
I never lie about my age I am courageous and fearless not out of stupidity but from fear itself.I have aged well...I have collected all I need to move onto the next challenge in life. My body has had the experience of life ...it has given life and in turn I have gave it many battles to concure Now I am alone and I have no one to show me the way. It is only me left to follow the shadow of trueth. I can only move forward as time ticks on...and see what comes next....

because, garanteed, there is something coming next, you can count on that!

23 February 2008

HI, I am Teresa.

I want to learn math again. I forgot most of the math that I did learn in High school.

16 February 2008

A Creative Thought Bubble

When all is well,... you are in a creative mood,.... you start breathing shallow and loud...you look at this picture...this is how I feel... I rest.

The Blurrrrrs

The Blurrrrrs - Dazzle, blind, blear, dim sightedness, darkness.
State between worlds

Setting Time as in time line in life

State of beinging.

Searching for that feeling of beinging.

Shadow Bear comes forth in disguise ...feeling a huge lose (innocence ) could be anything a lost finger, a lost pencil,,,etc.

Shadow Bear is there....you see blurrss...it begins with.....blurrs here....the violent part all hell breaks out you hear screems, you see people hitting others (blurrs) you see and hear screems (Blurrs) and tears,,, you see teeth being punched out of of someones face. You see blood all over and you know it is not your blood...but you really don't know?....(Blurrss) maybe you hit someone?.... all you know, is it is not over.,...(Blurrrrs) even when the silence comes you know it is not over. You go numb like a switch just turned you off....(blurrs) and another person immerges from you and performs the next phase you need to get through what comes next...(blurrrrrs). You want to turn off (The Blurrs) and go to sleep and wake up and it will all be a bad dream...but that is not the way it goes.The Blurrrs are reality.

It all seems sooo real....or like a dream....I wish I could sleep.


14 February 2008


Welcome to our Blog We are a group from a creative writing class, Who want to share our works with the world. Please feel free to look at are blog and let us know what you think. Thank You Right to Write BC

12 February 2008


Sedition: disobedient, defient, unrest

Stoic: unemotional, phlegmatic, insensititivity, impassive calmn ess unanxiety.

It starts with the blurrrs. like waking up in a place you have never been. With people you don't know. Then...

Inert: listless, slowness, paralyzed, motionless.

Violation:....of innocents, here is an extreem feeling of hurt, betrayal....deceit,...etc

Once waking up (in the dark) in some wooded area naked. Believe me...please believe me ...I don't lie about this stuff!!.....like(playing wolf)

This is where Shadow Bear becomes present with it's heroism in tact.

Where the violence once was is now tranquil,...all is well.

What really happened is now covered or set ready for future use. now is still calm....not really knowing what to do next.

I suppose it is the survival thing within us that triggers the Shadow Bear. Whenever it happens there seems to be an inert feeling.

When one feels all is well ....it is not really...because all else inside (Sedation - defient, disobedient, unrest) tell a different story...the truism of how to deal with or walk in this life knowing what happened, had actually happened. Thank GOD for Shadow Bear.

Stay aware of what comes next not even Shadow Bear can tell you what to do....it is like a suspense story.....it doesn't seem real ...but it is.

09 February 2008


This image is one of my creations when I got bored I started painting on this piece of cardboard. Which I use for my left over sewing stuff.

Songs into Elvish (Tolkien Elvish)

Note: All Songs are Translated as best as could be. Some words just aren't in the elven language
May it Be Nai undomë

May it be star-opening; twilight

Sila ndu tenn’lye

Shines down from high on thou

Nai huine lantar

May it be darkness falls

Lyeorëuva vanya

Thou heart will (be) fair

Lye ran ereb tier

Thou wander lonely roads

A! Lye haello mar

O! Thou far from home

Mornie utúlië

Darkness has come

Estel a utuvelyuva lye pata

Hope and find thou will thou way

Mornie alantië

Darkness has fallen

Onaraquetta quinelyesse

Noble word to live thou in

Nai I athi oma

May it be the shadows voice

Fananduva kel

Cloud down from high will flow away

Nai lye pel menepatatier / vanpata menetier

May it be thou go around thousand way roads / to pass way thousand roads


Light the day

Dú utulie’n

Night has come

Nailye ortanë hirianor

May it be thou lifted up to find the sun

Mornie utúlië

Darkness has come

Estel a utuvelyuva lye pata

Hope and find thou will thou way

Mornie alantië

Darkness has fallen

Onaraquetta quinelyesse

Noble word to live thou in

Onaraquetta quinelyesse

Noble word to live thou in

Gollum's Song

Si ar galad

Now without light

Si Mornië lantar

Now darkness falls

Si ar mel

Now without love

Mel na úsi

Love is not here

Úped namarië

Not say farewell

Úped úim estel

Not say not I hope

Hin dim ulma metnal

These sad rain we cry

Na lantaith ulma

Is falling rain

An ilúve caitlye pednin

For the all lies say for me

I nwalme! I úlaitmän!

The torment! The not praise good!

Metuva dénië ner

We will lament to be alone

Nelmet vanwa

We be lost

Met núdolmar

We may not head home


In the end

Nuvan nuvan

I will be (what) I will be

Ú män mellon

No good friend

Nant oi nevnin

Was ever hither for me

Si met pednamarië

Now we say farewell

Pedmet úlye estel

We say not thou hope

Hin dim ulma lyenal

These sad rain thou cry


To be last come

N ú-chebin I caita

May not kept the lies

I nwalme! I úlaitmän!

The torment! The not praise good!

Ar uvalye dénië

And thou will lament

Velye túli met er

As thou to come the end alone

Nalye vanwa

Thou is lost

Lye núdolmar

Thou may not head home

Nalye vanwa

Thou is lost

Lye núdolmar

Thou may not head home

O Canada

A Canada! Noorelma armar

Oh Canada! Native land our and home!

Anwa voronwë mel ilyesselma yondo kaan

True steadfast(loyal) love in all our sons command.

O silde orë kena’lme le ora

With gleaming hearts we see thee rise,

I anwa forte tulkar mirima!

The True North strong and free!

E palana Canada,

From far and wide, O Canada,

‘lme varya le

We protect thee.

Ilúvatar cheblma bara alcarin ar fainu!

God keep our land glorious and free!

A Canada, ‘lma varya le.

O Canada, We protect thee.

A Canada, ‘lma varya le.

O Canada, We protect thee.

(PS i apologise for the formatting, blogging is new to me)

Shadow Bear

Shadow-obscure, shade, gray, darkness, pursuer, tail, skip tracer, following, profile, silhoutte, shape, tag after, stalk, trail. Darkness

Bear: Animal, endure, tolerate, bring forth, produce, yeild, birth, deliver, transfer

Shadow Bear- This is a spectactulare"thing"because this shadow bear can shape shift to any people place or thing. Shadow bear can explain, descibe, or rationlaize the pain within. Shadow bear will tell you how it was created."ALL" things (people places and things)the cast is (IT) It being the Shadow bear.

Shadow bear tells the story of "its" life. I say "it" because "it" follows me everywhere I go.

The shadow bear has many shapes..."it" accepts all. relatives friends etc...."It" gathers all pain horrific events and turns them into things we can tolerate until a later date....when we least expect it ...we are thrown into an abise of hatred and termoil.

The darkness it gathers through its life grows darker and darker as it ages.
Most of which can be easily triggered it's darkness by sound, light, smell and can cause you to do crazy things...things you wouldn't normally do.

About you, start with self. Set your tree. (family tree). time line. start a draft.


07 February 2008

my apartment

i thought about what to do about getting my apartment to look nicer. first i would need some new appliances and furniture. i would need to save some money. it would be hard as i only work part time. i started to save money.soon i had enough for a home entertainment system.it was great.i could listen to music, watch vcr or dvds. then i decided to get a new t.v. . so i saved up more money.i finally got enough money to buy the t.v. i wanted. so i got the t.v.

'during buying all of these articles my sister helped me. she drove me around ,helped me pick out things and took me for lunch. i really was thankful for all her help. now that i started sprucing up my apartment i needed some new furniture. i needed a reclining chair and a new futon mattress. it would take a large amount of money. so i saved for awhile and finally had enough money.so i called my sister and she helped me once again.i got a recliner chair and futon mattress. it really looked good in my apartment. now with the help of sistor and my job i have a nice place to come home to.

05 February 2008

I searched for you?.

I am Shadow, I am searching for you!...where are you?..... (yes I am disguised as a butterfly)

I need to find out a few things about you!

I need to find you soon or I will fade off to oblivia....please tell me where you are??...at least go towards the light so I can be a part of you..... for I am nothing without you......
I am but darkness and I cannot be seen without you!