17 January 2009

Voice Dialogue Tips

Voice Dialogue Tips

January 2009

Email us: jcoroneos@bigpond.com
Web Site: http://www.bodymindinformation.com

Dear shadowbear,

Welcome again to Hal & Sidra's Voice Dialogue Tips.

1. The month's article is the first in a series titled " The Top Ten Challenges to Relationship: Keeping Your Love Alive Amid Life's Routines "

2. Are You Interested in Writing Novels or Screenplays as a Lucrative Career?
Discover how Successful Story Writing is based on Subpersonalities (See article below)

The Top Ten Challenges to Relationship:

Keeping Your Love Alive Amid Life's Routines

(from Dr Hal & Sidra Stone's book titled "Partnering")

The basic requirement for the care and feeding of a relationship is this: Partners must make the linkage — or connection — between them a priority in their lives.

There are many challenges to relationship, some of them come from outside of us and some come from within. We are going to show you the top ten challenges so that you can recognize them and do something about them. Meeting these challenges takes commitment, time, and effort. But a good relationship is well worth this effort and, we might point out, a great deal of this effort can be fun.

There is one very simple principle to keep in mind. The basic requirement for the care and feeding of a relationship is this: Partners must make the linkage — or connection — between them a priority in their lives. If they do so, the relationship will flourish. Anything that disrupts this linkage will disrupt their relationship.

Even the most devoted of partners will have interests other than their relationships and they will form attachments and linkages elsewhere. This is an important part of life. However, if your primary linkage in life shifts away from your partner and remains elsewhere, it is likely to prove fatal to your relationship.

There is a great deal of competition for our attention. All of us have a great many distractions in our lives and we do not have to go far to find something that will divert our attention from our partners. We will describe the ten major distractions that we have seen over the years. At the end of each of these, we will give you a chance to answer the question: Where is your primary linkage? You can use these questions to look at your own relationship to determine which among these are your major challenges.

Challenge 1: Television

Most homes have a television set. Actually, many homes have more than one so that each family member has a set all to his or her own. This is a very compelling distraction. Television sets and television programs are designed to attract us and keep our attention. That is their goal. The entire industry is based upon linking us irrevocably to the TV set. They seduce us with the weekly shows, the news, the stock market, our favorite ball team, the Olympics, the latest scandal, our favorite soap opera, that special program we cannot miss. Others among us are seduced by the sheer power inherent in the remote control. We are in charge! We can do or watch whatever we like, whenever we like. We can change stations to our hearts content without anybody scolding us. We are not forced to finish anything.

In addition to this seductive quality of television, there is its lack of confrontation and complication. It essentially complements your every mood and gives you whatever you want, whenever you want it. After all, has your TV ever made demands on you? Has it ever been disappointed in you? Has it ever criticized you? Has it made you feel vulnerable? Does it pressure you to finish anything? Does it frighten you or make you feel insecure? Do its feelings get hurt? Does it ever disagree with you? In short, there is no way that a TV set makes you as uncomfortable as your partner can!

Is it any wonder that we frequently find partners spending a great deal more time linked energetically to the TV than to one another?

Think about it! Are you more attached to your TV than to your partner? Which would you rather do without?

If you would rather do without your partner, it seems safe to say that something is missing in your relationship. We find that one of the first things to disappear in a relationship is time together. Both partners get so busy that they forget each other. Life today is difficult and demanding. People are usually so overworked, overstressed, or exhausted that when they do have a moment, they drop into a comfortable chair and watch TV. It takes real effort to stay on your feet and do something different.

The next Challenges to Relationship will be presented in upcoming Voice Dialogue Tips.

For more information on Voice Dialogue, visit http://www.bodymindinformation.com

2. WRITING: Become a Successful Story and Screenwriter

Story and Screenwriting is the fastest way to generate extra income, in an enjoyable way
that allows you to use your interest in subpersonalities and self development.
from Michael Domeyko Rowland,
presenter, director and writer of the Voice Dialogue Series .

This Brand New writing course reveals extraordinary information of why people read stories and go to see films.
You will discover that real writing is designed to allow the audience to experience personal integration of various subpersonalities during their reading and viewing. Very few know how to do this, now you can be one of them.

Writing is an incredibly fulfilling activity and without doubt the most creative outlet for anyone interested in the personality and exploring the deeper parts of the mind. As you write, you will reveal your own inner being and discover all sorts of things about yourself that you would never find in any other way.

Writing for the screen or the page is a fascinating and amazing experience, when approached in the right way. It is also the fastest way to generate a very large income, with royalties that can pay off for the rest of your life.

Most people make the mistake of writing from the conscious mind. The conscious mind can only ever come up with clichés, because it is not the source of originality and creativity. It is vital for editing, but not for creation. Many also make the mistake of not understanding the true function of story for an audience, which is to raise their level of consciousness.

Deep within your mind you have an unlimited resource, a realm of undiscovered subpersonalities, which only the greatest writers know about. This resource is called the Mythopoetica. It is the realm of your superconscious mind. It holds the ability to create any story whatsoever.

This is the part of your mind that also creates all your dreams. It is also the part of your mind that will bring into your consciousness the most inspiring, interesting and amazing stories you can imagine.

If you are interested in discovering the complete structural system, used by the world's finest story and screenwriters to guarantee that they have a professional and saleable story, as well as how to write directly from your superconscious, then please email me and I will send you a link for the first lesson absolutely FREE, along with an ebrochure about a web distributed writing course. You will be able to download a forty five minute audio lesson as an MP3, as well as a PDF of each lesson. You can then study the material at your leisure.

The integration of classic structure and the superconscious is what makes this course unique.

Email to: info@lifeact.com and put ‘Writing' in the subject line.


Send these Voice Dialogue Tips to Friends:
If you would like to send these tips on to any of your friends, please forward them by email. You can also advise your friends at http://www.bodymindinformation.com/tell-a-friend.php If you are able to help us do this, we would like to thank you by sending you a FREE REPORT titled: Voice Dialogue: A Guide To Great Relationships.

They can also register to receive future copies on our web site, which has a subscriber's panel, or they can email jcoroneos@bigpond.com directly. We will not be giving any of the addresses we receive to anyone else or any other organization. At any point you can stop receiving them - just click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email.

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Dr John Coroneos
Medical Doctor
Producer of The Voice Dialogue Series

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