24 April 2008

It's me

Hello, I am here because I wish to share some new stuff.

I was remembering the days when I knew only what I learned from home. I thought I knew everything. When all I knew was home stuff and even then my parents did'nt finish school so alot of stuff was old school ....like sewing a patch or a zipper or a hem none of what I was taught was professional but it worked...when I learned how to do these things by a professional?...I found that it was a better way...I was confused that what I first learned was even wrong.

I also found that respect like what Simon says in reflection, (it is too bad I just realized this now) I might have had a better relationship with my mother or even my father before they died. I am trying to forgive myself for blaming my parents for all the mistakes I made in my life...I truely made them myself and they were no way my parents fault they were not even there when things went bad for me.

Parents are to me my world they were my whole world..I couldn't see much else at all....even school reflected on home life....what I learned at school showed what and how I learned at home.

So I had to relearn alot of stuff but I got started in 1989 when I sobered up and started to lead a clean and sober life style.

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